Robotic Technology - The Future Human Machine - Blogerunit


Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Robotic Technology - The Future Human Machine

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What is Robot ? 

Robot, any automatically operated machine that replaces human effort, though it's going to not resemble citizenry during appearance or perform functions in a human like manner. By extension, robotics is that the engineering branch which is handling the planning , construction, and operation of robots.

History of Robot :-

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The concept of artificial humans comes from recorded history, but the fashionable term robot derives from the word robota (“forced labour”). The play’s robots were manufactured humans, heartlessly exploited by factory owners until they revolted and ultimately destroyed humanity. Whether they were biological, or mechanical wasn't specified, but the mechanical alternative inspired generations of inventors to create electrical humanoids.

The word robotics first appeared in Isaac Asimov’s science-fiction story Runaround (1942). Along with Asimov’s later robot stories, it set a replacement standard of possibility about the matter of developing intelligent robots and thus the technical and social problems which may result. Robots must have this qualities :-

  • Brawn- Strength concerning physical payload that a robot can move.
  • Bone - The body of a robot relative to the work it does, this determines the dimensions and weight of the robot in reference to its physical payload.
  • Brain- Robotic intelligence, what it can think and do independently, what proportion manual interaction is required. 
These things are must important in any sort of robots to be work as a person's and appear as if a person's .

Industrial robots already at work :-

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Industrial robots are increasingly utilized in a spread of industries and applications. They come during a wide selection of models with the reach distance, payload capacity and therefore the number of axes of travel (up to six) of their jointed arm being the most common distinguishing characteristics,Because they can be programmed to perform dangerous, dirty and/or repetitive tasks with consistent and accuracy. Robots are used for assembling products, handling dangerous materials, painting ,cutting and polishing, inspection of products.

Boosting Competitiveness :-

Robotics would help U.S. companies deal with a shortage of labor and declining productivity growth. Greater use of robots would improve competitiveness with China, which is significantly bribe robotics as a part of its Made in China 2025 initiative. Robotics have the best impact in five sectors aerospace, apparel, electronics, machine shops and automobiles that collectively represent 29 percent of U.S. manufacturing imports, 10 percent of labor costs and 36 percent of the nation’s trade imbalance.

Robot intelligence :-

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With the rapidly increasing power of the microprocessor and AI techniques, robots have dramatically increased their potential as flexible automation tools. The new surge of robotics is in applications demanding advanced intelligence. Robotic technology is converting with a wide variety of different technologies like machine vision, force sensing(touch), speech recognition and advanced mechanics. This leads to exciting new levels of functionality for jobs that were never before considered practical for robots.

Robot toys:-

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Toy robots, on the opposite hand, can entertain without performing tasks very reliably, and mechanical varieties have existed for thousands of years. In the 1980s microprocessor-controlled toys appeared that would speak or move in response to sounds or light. More advanced ones within the 1990s recognized voices and words. In 1999 the Sony Corporation introduced a doglike robot named AIBO, with twenty-four motors to activate its legs, head, and tail, two microphones, and a color camera all coordinated by a powerful microprocessor.

The Future :-

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Meanwhile, other researchers still pursue various techniques to enable robots to succeed in their surroundings and track their own movements. Many companies are performing on consumer robots which will show their surroundings, recognize common objects, and perform simple chores without expert custom installation. Still about the year 2020 the method will have produced the primary broadly competent “universal robots” with lizard like minds which will be programmed for nearly any routine chore. With anticipated increases in computing power, by 2030 second-generation robots with trainable mouse like minds may become possible. By 2040 computing power should make third-generation robots with monkey like minds possible. By the center of the 21st century, fourth-generation robots may exist with human like mental power ready to abstract and generalize. Researchers hope that such machines will result from melding powerful reasoning programs to third-generation machines.

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